Maple Ridge Womens Residential Rehab Facilities

If you are a women struggling with drug addiction, you have a handful of options to choose from including a variety of Maple Ridge Womens Residential Rehab Facilities.

Before deciding on Maple Ridge Womens Residential Rehab Facilities, there is some information you should be equipped with. The more information you have on addiction treatment programs through you are considering will help give you the confidence in your addiction treatment program. Keep in mind NOT ALL rehab facilities are appropriate for every person, and condition. Careful consideration needs to be taken before any decision is made. We would like to help you with making that decision easier. Here is the information you need before deciding on a Womens Residential Rehab Facility.

The first decision is whether you should choose outpatient addiction services or residential rehab facilities.

The decision is ultimately yours or your families but the best way to assess which option is appropriate is based on the risk of your addiction.

Some preliminary questions you may want to ask yourself are? (Drug addiction definition includes pharmaceutical addiction and alcohol addiction.)

Drug Addiction Self Assessment Questions

1. Can you stop your drug addiction, on your own?
2. Have you tried to stop your drug addiction on your own in the past as failed?
3. Have you experienced a steady decline in your life?
4. Does your drug addiction affect your life and the life of those around you?
5. Do you miss work because of your drug addiction?
6. Do you find yourself struggling with mood, like anxiety, depression, anger etc.?
7. Do you find yourself often exhausted or unable to cope with life?
8. Do you find yourself frustrated with your current situation?
9. Does your drug addiction take away your pain temporarilty, either mentally or emotionally?

If you have answered yes to 4 or more of these questions, we strongly recommend considering a residential rehab facility.

Once you have decided on a residential rehab facility, you have two options.

Womens Residential Rehab Facilities – Options.

1. You first option is to consider government funded treatment centres. In order to be eligible to receive funding through the government, you must be on Income Assistance or receiving Disability. If you are not on income assistance or receiving disability, you can still access addiction services on an outpatient basis through Mental Health and Addidcitons, or you can pay for a bed at one of our Womens Residential Rehab Facilities. Please be advised, government funded rehab facilities have long wait periods. So if your case is urgent and your require access to womens residential rehab facilities immediately, then this option may not be for you.
2. Your second option for Womens Residential Rehab Facilities is to consider a fully private Womens Residential Rehab Facility. If your drug addiction case is considered server and in need of urgent care, there are beds available at the private level. When considering a Womens Residential Rehab Facility, at the private level, there are some questions you should have answered.

Private Womens Residential Rehab Facilitates – Assessment Questions

1. Is the facility licenced by the Province? Typically, at this level, the private rehab facility is required to be licence through Assisted Living, which is a Provincial Regulatory body. If the rehab centre os NOT licenced and accredited through the Province, then we strongly suggest you report the centre to Assisted Living, in your designated Province.
2. Is the facility accredited by the Province?
3. What credential does the staff have? A minimum Master Degree is required for a residential rehab facility to be licenced?
4. What other qualifications does the staff have?
5. How long has the rehab facility been in operation?
6. Is there medical supervision, if required?

Please have these questions answered by any private Womens Residential Facility Admissions Department before you proceed with payment.

Whether you choose a government funded womens residential rehab facility or a private womens residential rehab facility, some of the best treatment centres happen to be located in Maple Ridge B.C.

Maple Ridge Womens Residential Rehab Facilities offer both government funded and private treatment options for addiction. We strongly recommend that you research both options and depending on your needs, select the drug addiction program that is best for you. Speak with the Admission Department, understand the program curriculum and conduct standards and what to expect from the experience. Once you have all the facts together, selecting Maple Ridge Womens Residential Rehab Facilities will be that much easier and you can feel confident in your decision.

We would like to help you. West Coast Wellness Centre for Women is the only VIP, licenced and accredited through Assisted Living, B.C., fully private, 10 bed centre in Western Canada. All other options are either Provincially funded by Income Assistance or are not properly accredited through the Province.

Please contact: 1-800-801-8354 to discuss our Maple Ridge Womens Residential Rehab Facility as an option for your recovery.

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